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Javascript and Jquery Certification Training


100+ Learners

JavaScript is a dynamic programming language that's used for web development, in web applications, for game development, and lots more. It allows you to implement dynamic features on web pages that cannot be done with only HTML and CSS.

Js and Jquery

Key Highlights

Learn from industry experts who are passionate about teaching.

Instructor-led live sessions.

Industry-Specific Curriculum.

Flexible schedules for working professionals.

Real-life Case Studies.

24 x 7 Lifetime Support & Access.

60 Hrs Project Work & Exercises.

Certification and Job Assistance.



In this module, you will learn the concepts of scripting on client-side and fundamentals of Javascript.


After completing this module, you should be able to:

  • Understand the basics of JavaScript programming
  • Reduce the load of the server
  • Use variables and their datatypes
  • Handle conditional statements in your program
  • History and Introduction
  • Variables
  • Data types
  • Type Conversions
  • Operators
  • Conditional statements
  • Implementing JavaScript on your HTML page
  • Defining of variables and type conversion of datatypes

In this module, you will learn the memory management and process of function execution.


After completing this module, you should be able to:

  • Minimize your code size by using reusable codes i.e., Functions
  • Analyze Internal Memory Management in JavaScript
  • Identify the type of declaration that should be applied for a variable
  • Explain the concept of Variable Shadowing and Closures
  • Understand the role of Garbage Collectors in JavaScript
  • Functions
  • Function Execution & Memory Management
  • Variable Shadowing & Closures
  • Garbage Collection
  • Using global and local variables
  • Defining and calling functions

In this module, you will learn the concepts of scripting on client-side and fundamentals of JavaScript.


After completing this module, you should be able to:

    • Create and use objects
    • Access BOM methods and elements
    • Validate HTML forms before sending a request to the Server
    • Access HTML Elements through DOM objects
    • Understand how to change HTML Element style with DOM
    • Attach Event Listeners to DOM elements
  • Objects
  • Browser Object Model (BOM)
  • Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Events
  • Validations
  • Access and Change HTML elements
  • Perform Validations on HTML Form elements
  • Change the value of some of the CSS Properties

In this module, you will learn the concepts of scripting on client-side and fundamentals of JavaScript.


After completing this module, you should be able to:

  • Create and use objects
  • Access BOM methods and elements
  • Validate HTML forms before sending a request to the Server
  • Access HTML Elements through DOM objects
  • Understand how to change HTML Element style with DOM
  • Attach Event Listeners to DOM elements
  • Errors
  • Libraries and frameworks
  • Difference between JavaScript and JQuery
  • JSON
  • AJAX
  • JQuery
  • Error Handling
  • Installation of JQuery

In this module, you will learn to validate forms and handle events using JQuery.


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Use functions with JQuery
  • Traverse through and modify the DOM elements using JQuery
  • Understand the usage of selectors in JQuery
  • Apply effects and animations in DOM
  • Functions
  • JQuery Forms
  • Form Validations
  • Validate form elements using JQuery
  • Using plugins for accessing various pre-existing methods

What are the system requirements for this course? The system requirement for this course is a system with Intel i3 processor or above, minimum 3GB RAM (4GB recommended) and an operating system can be of 32bit or 64 bit. In addition you require a browser and a text editor. How will I execute the practicals?

  • A browser that supports JavaScript and a text editor
  • Include JQuery Library in your JavaScript to run it
Which case studies will be a part of the course?

Design a quiz on any topic, where you will have a set off questions and answers.

  • You also should maintain a scoreboard/progress bar for the number of questions attempted correct
  • Every correct answer should change to green color and every wrong one would change to red
  • Excellent (if the score if between 90-100)
  • Good (if the score if between 70-89)
  • At the end of the quiz, show the results with a smiley holding a card reading:
  • Average (if the score if between 50-69)
  • Poor (if the score if between 0-49)

Using JQuery, code a Railway reservation form. Take input from user like – Name, age, destination, boarding, class, train number. Perform validations like – Check if the age of the passenger is more than 60, if yes, pop up an alert with the message – passenger is senior citizen.

Hrs of Extensive Training
8+ 12
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Javascript job demand increased to 80% from previous years
Javascript are preferred by Global Tech firms
Java prediction will increase by 70% by the end of 2025
60% of the cloud job postings ask for skills in Java
Average salary of Java $3008,051